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I am a stage 4 blood cancer survivor and after chemotherapy thriver.

Juicing veggies and fruits was the main protocol I employed to rejuvenate my cells and nourish my body from it's deepest parts and to reach and repair my organs.

Chemotherapy attacks cancer cells but at a cost and a very risky one at that.

The treatments also destroys the healthy cells and immune system.  It is the body's immune system that is the real key to fighting diseases in the body. 

There is nothing at the moment to help revive the immune system as part of any aftercare treatments.

After 6 rounds and 4 long months of chemotherapy treatments I was not cleared, the chemo did not clear the cancer from my body.

I was told to have a harder form of chemo and to follow the path of having stem cell treatment.  After time to think and time to research, I refused the advised treatment.

In time and after much research around the holistic and natural ways of treating and caring for cancer, I chose the path of Organic juicing and cleaner living as my foundation.

Basically, 3 years after being told the cancer was spreading again, I am here, healthier than ever before, my immune system is stronger than ever and my juicing along with clean living cleared a 3rd lump that was forming in my lymph nodes and cleared the cancer from the major areas that showed up on the scans in Nov 2014.

My report said that the specialist expected me to be coming back to them some time in the near future with symptoms of progressed cancer.  They were dumbfounded when first of all the lump had gone and then in my scan last year it showed that it had all cleared from my lymph nodes and spine where it was showing on the scans in 2014 and now only showed in the original area, in my axilla. 

I had told the doctors and professor that my aim was to control my cancer so that I could live a normal life again and that is exactly what I have achieved to date. The normal life bit took a little longer than expected as the damage the chemo and such an experience does is just as emotional and mental as it is physical.


My vision with JuiceSingh is to spread and share the good word and real experience of the true power and goodness of organic juicing and holistic living and as a way of being for a more fulfilled and self aware life.

An attitude that will help live a more fulfilled and beautiful life beyond the daily stresses and strifes that we may come across on our chosen journey.

We all have to work and we all have to live but why not live with more energy, a clearer mind, an enhanced immune system and feed our bodies with a better quality of nutrition and help ourselves achieve a greater feeling of well being. In the daily modern life where things can get hectic, strengthen your body and  support it with high grade nutrition in the most direct and effective way possible, in liquid form.

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